Thursday, June 10, 2010

Harry Potter

I love the harry potter books. i'm not going to lie. when i was 11 i secretly waited for the mail just hoping to receive my acceptance letter to hogwarts in a perfect little white envelope with Dumbledore's impeccable cursive on the front. alas it never came. i'm a lame muggle. which admittably is better than a squib. you want to hear something more embarrassing than this? well my friend caitlin and i also sent prepubescent love letters to Daniel Radcliffe when we were 12. our little tweener hearts fluttered when in return we received signed photographs of him with his shirt unbuttoned and wind whipping through his hair. we thought we had died and gone to heaven.

i threw mine out when i was thirteen.

but i still love harry potter. so much in fact that i just recently had a dream about harry potter. was i finally accepted to hogwarts? well no. was i hand in hand with daniel radcliffe while we defeated the "nevertobenamed" voldemort. definitely no. was i sharing a butterbeer and a laugh with ron and hermione at the three broomsticks? was i fighting off a hoard of dementors? sitting in dumbledore's office while he bestoys his wizardly wisdom on me? playing quidditch? no. no. no. and no.

i was at a bookstore asking the clerk how much the harry potter books were in hardback.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Nicholas Sparks Meets Angsty Teens

why am i blogging? why...why...why am i blogging? i have a sinking feeling that this will end up to be another endeavor that i give up on after a few weeks..or days. even as i type that i know deep down that even though i'm denying and hopeful- it always ends the same. i have countless journals on my bookshelf that are all filled halfway and then abandoned. however, after spending the afternoon reading through a good friend's blog i am determined to write down my random thoughts that flash through my mind during the day and send them out into the wild world of cyberspace via this blog. will anyone read it? doubtful. but here i am nonetheless.

i was thinking about something today. nicholas sparks. and the movies that represent his novels. my good friends took me out to see Last Song for my birthday a few months ago (i mean- what says "ILOVEYOUHAPPYBIRTHDAY" like two hours of miley cyrus' pouty lips and adolescent rebellion?) and i just recently watched Dear John. My question is- what the heck is the difference between the two movies?

Boy meets girl on charleston beach. They fall in love. They face obstacles. They break up. They find themselves. Their father's die. They find each other. Love. Nevertheless i am drawn to his movies. There are just days where you need a good chick flick.

But seriously miley- stop doing that with your lips. it's making me cringe.